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    Friends here - I’ve just realised that I’m not seeing notifications of all conversations I’m part of (like, taking an active part in and am tagged). Is there a setting I need to change? Nearly missed something important @X

    Nice one. @SouthernWater @EnvAgencySE. #TunbridgeWells sewage is again going straight into the River Grom and bypassing the intended treatment plant now! @Ripple_Sussex have been reporting this for months.

    Calling all #poets! Our poetry submissions are now open for new collections of 55pp or more & pamphlets up to 25pp (max). Submit your work for consideration by 5pm Monday 30th September. Visit our submissions page for details https://www.serenbooks.com/submissions/. @ZoeBrigley @RhianEdwards5

    Where is ‘home’? A Kentish journey of roots, routes & Jutes.

    @chapmanbookman walks a personal quest from London to Canterbury, interweaving stories of a Roman road & Chaucer’s pilgrims with own past & family history. He aims to finish the just in time to give a talk


    My headline wouldn’t have been “pride in UK history falls” but “pride in UK arts & literature is at almost 80%, above sport, history etc” That won’t last without resource … if we go on closing public libraries for example!

    To all the poets out there: I'm pulling together a new anthology for Macmillan, and I would love to read your submissions. If you've any poems about FEELINGS - joy, happiness, anxiety, sadness, etc - I'd love to hear from you! Please DM me.